Saturday, June 24, 2006


235-237 countries in the world.
And the noth star is the second brightest star in the sky.


Mobile Email from a Cingular Wireless Customer

Monday, June 05, 2006

Another Sir William

The game is to be sold, not told.


Mobile Email from a Cingular Wireless Customer

From Sir William

You know all these bitches we come across ain't virgins.
But they looking forward to graduating!


Mobile Email from a Cingular Wireless Customer

One From Sir William

My dick is harder than Chinese arithmatic.


Mobile Email from a Cingular Wireless Customer

Wisconsin GT Tourney

Ahhh, yes... it's finally summer time. Which happens to be golf time... that happens to be Golden Tee tourney time as well.

Love it!

Why do I love it? Well, it's hot out, and I don't like heat. Bars are a place where they have AC, and you can drink. I like AC, and I like drinking. I'm in!

One problem, I have somehow managed to hurt my hand. Now when some people say they hurt their hand, they mean sprain, bruise, jam... I am talking more of a blood clot or a ripped nerve. Why do I think this? Well, I can barely feel my pinky, ring, and middle fingers. Some people would go see a doctor, I am not some people... It's been a month now. Oh well, we'll see what happens.

Needless to say I can't really play Golden Tee in this condition... but nothing is stopping me from having a good time with the guys at these events.

I am driving to Waukesha, WI... It is Saturday afternoon, around 7 when I am about 20-30 miles outside of Madison. I start calling people to get directions. Again, I know that some people would get directions BEFORE they leave the house, but I am not most people. Call IlliniFan, VJoshV, Mayor McDerelict, Kinz *, $2 Art... are you serious? No one is picking up?!?

Next thing I know I see flashy blinky lights behind me. Look down, going 95... which is actually fairly slow, but I obviously wasn't paying attention for the cops. Pull over. Tr00per gets out, and walks up to the car.

Tr00per: I've pulled you over for speeding, do you know how fast you were going?
0ver: Not quiet sure officer, I was calling to get directions [motion to the celly, with the hands free in my ear], and must have not paid attention
Tr00per: Well, I'm pretty sure I was doing the limit in the middle lane, and you flew by me in the left. It took me about a mile to catch up to you.
0ver: Sorry Officer
Tr00per: Well, where are you going?
0ver: Waukesha [pronounced wa-kEE-sha]
Tr00per: You mean Waukesha [pronounced WAU-ka-SHAW]
0ver: [blank stare] right
Tr00per: Give me your license, I'll let you off with a warning
0ver: [passes over license]
Tr00per: Here you go [gives warning]. Slow down, have a nice day.
0ver: So can you tell me how to get to Waukesha [said it the way he did]
Tr00per: blah blah blah careful pulling out.

ARE YOU SERIOUS? GOING AT LEAST 30 OVER, AND I GET A WARNING!?! I LOVE THIS STATE! Especially since I had to pay $300 and have a year probation in the God forsaken land of Indiana!

Finally get to the bar, nothing eventful. Meet and greet some jag bags... take a couple shots, drinking Miller Lite from the pitcher... they have these really un-pitcher looking pitchers, I loved it. It's like a big mug :) The rest of the night was pretty uneventful (as GT tourneys are). We drank, we played tee... Went out to the car for a smoke a couple of times... after this, there were quiet a few people that were not able to stand, and were laughing uncontrollably. Some people invited me to stay at their hotel... as long as I didn't have to drive, I was happy to stay wherever. At some point, I paid my tab. At some point I left the bar, got into my car, and drove.

Fortunately, at about 9:30 AM I woke up. I was in the back seat of my car. Looking outside I saw a sign that says "Michael's Pizza." This made me laugh. I was sitting in the middle of a parking lot of some pizza restaurant a couple of blocks down from the bar we were at. I got out, took a leak... changed shirts, socks (they stunk), put on some AXE, and started driving home. Ended up sleeping for another 5 hours after I got home.

All in all a great time. Sleeping in the car is not fun, but seeing a bunch of good people is well worth it.